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Clanwars: CG | DoomCrips
Friday, 22nd of September, 2006
Clan Bad Taste goes back to sleep, for now...
After a long while of absence by every clan member it seems more then right to post that our clan is asleep Dooming wise. It seems that Englander and Kilgore are nowhere to be seen. Now i have to  admit i have been very busy the last few weeks, but before that i was actually looking for both of them to see how they were doing. BT is still here, louring from the dark but as long as no one is around we will be sleeping in the same dark spot. ;)

Anyway Kilgore, Englander... if you read this, feel free to post on the forums or something i am really wondering how you guys are doing.

Friday, the 28th of July, 2006
Poignant and Da_godfader leave the clan.
Just this week our fellow clan members Poignant and Da_godfader decided to leave the clan. Da_godfader sadly does not have enough free time to be an active participant of any kind and Poignant left since he felt the live in our clan had slipped away too far. We thank you both for the great times we've had together. This is however unfortunate especially because of the fact that our clan is now in full motion again since i have administrative access. This also means we are now looking for new members to recruit!
Thursday, the 27th of July, 2006
Status of BT in 2006: We are alive! Part 2!
I have obtained forum and website administration access so there is finally a reanimating motion into the clans sleepy nature. Expect more news and an updated clan Roster soon.
Sunday, the 5th of February, 2006
Status of BT in 2006: We are alive!
Yes, we are alive, still kicking ass. This place was really quiet for a long time, but the update is finally here. Members section is reorganized a bit, and our fellow Ufon was removed from roster as he left us. We also have new logo thanks to Englander.
Ok, now back to sleep... ;)

MONDAY, the 22nd of NOVEMBER, 2004
Member list updated with another record..
Clan forces updated with another skillful mercenary..
*Everyone hailz Finney*

WEDNESDAY, the 22nd of SEPTEMBER, 2004
Shadow Blade (Vampire Knight) left.
His place is taken by Englander, another supporter of "the most underground clan" ;)

SUNDAY, the 4th of JULY, 2004
Unfortunately, Shockwav3 leaves our family, we will miss you brother!
Poignant, a new soul to support the darkness takes his place >:D

FRIDAY, the 21st of MAY, 2004
Shadow Blade joined our cause, Welcome!
SUNDAY, the 14th of MARCH, 2004
So, the site is up and running, YAY ;)
MONDAY, the 8th of MARCH, 2004
Brand new version of BT WebSite is almost done, some small additions are to be done yet. This v2 uses some PHP and no frames (finally ;).
FRIDAY, the 1st of MARCH, 2004
Da_maniaC Joins the clan.